Crep Protect來到2021又有新搞作,皇牌防水噴霧換上新裝,踏上環保之旅!
除了所有產品組件都是 100% 可回收的,以下係呢一支新裝既環保詳細:
+與從原材料生產新鋁相比,所需的能源少 95%。
+回收過程僅產生 5% 的溫室氣體排放。
+全球歷史上生產的鋁中有 75% 仍在使用。
+1 噸回收鋁可減少 9 噸二氧化碳排放。
Crep Protect,波鞋用之防水噴霧首選!The Ultimate Rain & Stain Resistant Barrier,英國品牌德國製,是世界知名的防水噴霧。
Crep Protect相信是防水噴霧之係首選。即使係英美日Amazon銷售排位都十分之高!就以Amazon美國為例,有2千+個評分,而總體得分更加有 4.x/5!😱
洗鞋你可能會識Jason Markk,但防水噴霧一定要識既就係Crep Protect!Crep Protect Spray係全球最知名既壓縮氣體式防水噴霧,歐美日都十分熱賣!波鞋友必備常用護鞋產品之一!
200ml super-hydrophobic spray that creates an invisible coating which repels liquids and prevents stains. For use on Canvas, Nubuck & Suede.
Crep Protect is easy to apply and quick drying. Dry time of 10 minutes. Repellent Spray does not affect the look, feel or performance of the sneakers.
With one application of the Spray, shoes have up to 4 weeks of protection from liquids. Protect up to 12 shoes with 1 can of CP Spray today.
🚨**使用噴霧產品請注意:請在 室外 / 室內空氣流通環境下使用;使用前,請詳閱使用方法 及 避免過度使用🚨